
“I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses” (Luke 16: 4 KJV).

Our text involves a steward who was accused of wasting a rich man’s wealth, of which he was the overseer, and the rich man holds him accountable and threatens to remove him from his position. The steward then made special deals with the rich man’s debtors so that if he did lose his job, he would have them as friends that would help him in his time of need. This is the only place that the word “resolve” is used in the Bible (KJV).

This steward came up with a plan and brought it to fruition. The resolution he made was kept, and he benefited from it.

The words resolve, resolute, and resolution come from the Latin re-(again) + solvere (to loosen). To resolve a problem is “to loosen” it so something can be decided.

When someone makes a resolution, they use their power of will or self-determination and come up with a plan they will use to solve some problem. The word resolution is defined as “resolve, promise, intent, intention, purpose, plan, design, ambition, objective, and goal.”

Some resolve or promise themselves and others with genuinely true intentions to carry out the plan they designed with great ambition to accomplish their objective and goal. As a result, because they lack focus, ability, and tenacity, they fail miserably.

Most resolutions pertain to overcoming bad habits or adapting some good habits. The New Year is usually the time people choose to do something about straightening out their life. But why wait until the New Year? If you’re wrong in June, get things right in June. But waiting until the New Year means they can hang on to their old habits a little longer, which means they really don’t want to change in the first place.

Some resolutions are made that pertain to the spiritual life. Christians resolve to start doing on the New Year what they know they should have been practicing all along. Again, their waiting until the New Year means they can hang on to their old ways a little longer, which means they really don’t want to change.

Instead of our resolve being made on the New Year, we need to be making this resolution every morning. We should resolve each day to put away sin and disobedience and to live our lives glorifying God and walking in His fellowship. In this way, we live our lives one day at a time with each day having a fresh resolve to do better than the day before.

I Am Resolved

I greet in a moment an open threshold,

The birthing of another New Year;

Free from any heartache or sorrow,

Undiminished by a single bitter tear.

It’s a golden span of time I’m allotted

A gift I’ll use a little of each day;

Through which I will sow the seeds I choose,

In my words and actions along life’s way.

Before I pass through this open threshold

And a nonreturnable day has ebbed away,

I close and bar the door to my past,

And put all the pain of those days away.

I’ve closed the year from which I’ve emerged;

 Its record is sealed and cannot be changed.

I’m resolved I’ll not look back and worry,

About what I know cannot be rearranged.

I am therefore resolved henceforth to sow

The much needed seeds of hope, faith and cheer.

And though some shadow should cross my path,

I will continue on through pain or tears.

For I am resolved, that beginning today

That, regardless of what each day may send,

I’ll seek after knowledge and wisdom and love

And strew them by faith against prevailing wind.

And when this year has slipped into my past

And the opportunities offered me are gone,

Will my words and deeds that are recorded,

Make me rejoice when this account I must own?

This year holds my future and then my past,

While now is all that really matters.

Each day I must resolve to do my best,

And then tomorrow resolve to do better.

I do not know what tomorrow holds,

Or what this New Year ahead may bring.

But I am resolved to obey God’s Word,

And walk in fellowship with Jesus my King.

My Father has a plan so wonderful for me,

And this New Year is a small part of it.

His plan He is unfolding day by day,

Until He will have finally fulfilled it.

The year has begun and speeds fast to its end,

And very soon I will see it spent and gone,

So I must be up and busy about my task,

Amidst so many others where I walk alone.

This New Year is untouched by mistakes or regret,

It’s fresh and unfurrowed by rebellion and sin.

God=s hand is outstretched to faithfully guide me,

On this new journey that, today, I begin.

James H. Cagle ©️ copyrighted

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