Church, Please Revive for America’s Sake

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7: 14 KJV).

America is a very sick nation. She is very sick morally, and that’s the worst kind of sickness. It’s hard to believe that she was once considered a Christian nation.

But the church is very sick as well. She is very far from being a picture of moral health. And it is because the health or morality of the church has deteriorated so much that the health or morality of the nation has declined.

God’s Word tells us that before our nation can be healed the church must first be healed. And if the church is not healed through a God-sent revival there is no hope that our nation will ever be healed. Our nation will not heal itself nor be healed apart from the reviving of the church.

The Christian is the human agency and the church is the institution through which God will, after she is revived, bring healing to our nation. God lays down the conditions that the church must meet before He will heal our land.

But will the church meet God’s demands and conditions not just so she will be revived but so her nation will be healed? The conditions call the church back to her proper and biblical relationship with God and to satisfy those demands will cost the church something.

Revival is for the Christians who have backslidden and moved away from God, lost their witness and testimony, are no different from the world, and are not making an impact for God in the world.

God first calls on the church to humble herself because she is proud. She must be rid of her pride and humble herself so she can then effectively pray.

She must then seek that encounter with God in which her relationship is restored. She must seek His face not His hands for material blessings.

She must turn from her wicked ways. She must repent of all her ungodly ways. It seems strange that those who claim to know Christ as their Savior are living wicked lives, but they are, and they must turn from their sin if they would be revived.

If the church in all sincerity does all these things then, and only then, will God forgive and cleanse them and heal their land.

If the church does not meet the conditions for their reviving and their nation’s healing because it cost them too much and because they loved their sin too much, when our nation implodes and is destroyed, her blood will be on the hands of the unrepentant church. Christians say they are patriots and love America. But do they love America enough to turn from their sin and return to God?

Sometimes death is avoided if the cure for a disease is found in time. We have the cure for America and it is revival in the church. But time is quickly running out. Christians have no idea how much is at stake and how much depends on them getting right with God. We are not waiting on God, but rather God is waiting on us. Church, please revive for America’s sake.

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