The Heat Wave

By James H. Cagle

“And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch (burn) men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God” (Revelation 16: 8, 9 KJV).

Everywhere heat records have been broken. Outside temperatures have been well over 100° for several days in some places. Some have gotten sick from the heat and some have even died. But we can do things to avoid the heat.

But this heat wave is nothing to be compared to the heat wave that will come during the Great Tribulation.

The heat wave of the Great Tribulation comes after one-fourth of mankind is killed (Rev. 6: 8), after an earthquake that moves mountains and islands (6: 12-14), after hail, fire and blood fall from heaven and destroy a third of all grass and trees (8: 7), after a burning mountain is cast into the sea and a third part of the sea becomes blood, and a third of all sea creatures die, and a third of all shipping is destroyed (8: 8, 9), after a star named Wormwood falls from heaven and disintegrates and falls into one-third of all fresh water and kills those who drink it (8: 10, 11), after the twenty-four hour cycle of night and day is shortened to sixteen hours (8: 12, 13; Luke. 21: 25), after locust with the sting of a scorpion torment mankind for five months (9: 13-21), after a grievous sore afflicts those who worship the beast and his image (6: 1, 2), after blood as human blood is poured into the sea and kills all remaining creatures (16: 12-16), and after all fresh water is turned to blood (16: 4-7).

This heat wave of the Great Tribulation that God sends to the earth will be so severe that some have said that men will catch fire – “scorched (burn) with fire.” And instead of men repenting they blaspheme God.

It’s very possible that some living today and experiencing the current heat wave will be alive and experience the great heat wave of the Great Tribulation in which men will be tortured with intense heat and will get a small taste of Hell.

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