The Killing of Our Babies

James Cagle

“And they (Israel) served their idols: which were a snare unto them. Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood” (Ps. 106: 36-38).

Killing our own children is nothing new. It’s been going on since ancient times. One would think though that the method of killing children would be more humane today than it was long ago. But there’s nothing humane about the way a baby is killed and ripped apart, limb from limb in the womb today.

The babies of Israel were killed by Pharaoh in Egypt before their Exodus because their numbers were growing until he was afraid the people of Israel would outnumber the Egyptians (Ex. 1).

The people of Israel killed their own children when they departed from God and forsook His law and followed after idols, the worship of which demanded the sacrifice of children. One such god was Molech. “Molech was the special patron of vows, to whom infant children were sacrificed as the most binding pledge of the sanctity of the vow.” Francis Schaeffer describes the ritual—“ . . . there was an opening at the back of a hollow brazen idol, and after a fire was made within it, the parent with their own hands placed their child in the white-hot, outstretched arms of Molech. . . .the parent was not allowed to show emotion, and drums (the “tabret” or tambourine, (Is.5:12) was invented for this purpose) were beaten so that the baby’s cries could not be heard as the baby died in the arms of Molech.”

As a result of their idolatry God judged Israel. When the cities of Israel were under siege and the people were starving, they ate their own children (Deut. 28: 53-57; 2 Kgs. 6: 28, 29). Josephus says that children were eaten during the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.

Aborting an immature fetus is not new either. There have been drugs and agents and methods for aborting around for centuries.

The Bible teaches that those who die in infancy are saved and go to Heaven (2 Sam. 12: 23). In order to dissuade women from having abortions Catholicism invented Limbo, a holding place on the border of Hell for souls, and said that infants that died went there instead of to Heaven.

Killing children today is an industry. People are making a killing, by killing children. People are getting rich with selling their body parts. Killing more babies and making more money is on the mind of those who run this business, and the blood of these babies is on their hands.

The murder of the unborn, the shedding of innocent blood, is a sure sign that America has turned her back on God and forsaken His law. And God will hold us accountable for the murder of all these innocent human beings.

Stolen Voices

Their voices were stolen,

Before they could speak,

Not one word could they utter,

They were defenseless and weak.

Their voices were stolen.

But what would they say,

Those murdered in the womb,

If they could speak to us today?

I am a human being to,

Though a tiny one at that.

I have thoughts and feelings,

And could one day swing a bat.

It’s not my fault that I’m here,

It was my parent’s choice.

Why should I be destroyed,

Just ‘cause they changed their choice?

I am an individual,

I’m not part of my mother’s body.

I have my very own body.

I really am somebody.

My hands and feet are perfect,

My eyes blue, my hair red.

You’ll not get to cherish them,

If you do that which I dread.

For though I’m just a little guy,

I’m able to feel pain to.

I scream when I’m torn apart,

In the horror you put me through.

I indeed am very special,

For in God’s image I am made.

I have body, soul, and spirit,

May this fact your mind persuade.

Why is it true some animals,

Are respected more than me?

Men go to jail for killing them,

But not for killing me.

Who knows what pride and joy I’d bring,

If you’d just let me live?

How I’d adore and brush your face,

If you’d let me live to give?

Instead of tearing me apart,

My little fingers you would hold.

My tiny toes you would tweak,

And thank God I hadn’t been sold.

You’d see me as a special gift,

Sent down from Heaven above.

A gift to cherish all your life,

And glad you hadn’t disposed of.

But my voice has been stolen.

The things I would I cannot say.

You can speak, but will you please,

And protect my life today?

James H. Cagle

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