Mind Reading

“Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off” (Psalm 139: 2 KJV).

God is Spirit and so is man. Man has a body with a brain into which his spirit secretes its thoughts and then the brain articulates them and sends them through its senses for the body to animate.

The belief of Mind reading, or Extrasensory Perception includes the communication of thoughts from one person’s mind to another without use of any sense organs.

The Bible does not say that God has a brain. (The word brain is not in the KJV Bible). It does say He has a mind, and has His own thoughts and acts according to His thoughts.

Man has a brain but like God, whose image he is made in, thinks in his spirit or heart (Proverbs 23: 7; Matthew 15: 19). Thoughts come as images on the screen of our mind. We flip through numerous images until we see the one we approve of and then interpret and translate it into words. We use words as the medium for verbally communicating our thoughts and ideas to another or we, through our actions, demonstrate our thoughts or way of thinking to another. We give our advice and opinion or an example.

I don’t believe that one human being can read the mind of another human being. The mind with its thoughts, are protected as the property of the sovereign individual. Our thoughts are private. When we act on our thoughts they then become public and are scrutinized by all.

But God does know our thoughts and reads our mind. He sees those images we reject and the ones we select.

No one can read or know the mind of God directly (Rom. 11: 34). We only know the mind of God indirectly through His Word. By reading the Bible we know what God thinks about everything (Ps. 119: 128). God communicates His mind and thoughts to us through His written Word (KJV) (Is. 55: 7-11) and demonstrates His mind and will to us through the Living Word, our example Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4: 4; Col. 1: 15).

We are reading the mind of God when we read His Word and are thinking after God, and this will first change the way we think and then the way we live.

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