When He Calls My Name

By James H. Cagle

“Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you: but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10: 20 KJV).

There’s a lot of name calling here on earth. We call people by their real name or nickname. We call their name in reverence and with respect or with disdain and disrespect, based on their character.

Based on how socially involved we are, we may have our names called out at events, at meetings, to jury duty, and at our appointments. When our name is called, we’re being called out and must respond to a particular point, then on to finish whatever business we’re there for.

Sometimes we may have a friend whose name is so important that the mention of their name gets doors opened for us and puts us at the head of any line.

Jesus’ name is the name that is above every other name. We get saved by believing in His name (1 John 3: 23), are baptized in His name (Acts 2: 38), bear His name (Acts 9: 15), proclaim His name (Acts 9: 27), called by His name (Acts 11: 26), and pray in His name (John 16: 23; Eph. 5: 20).

There are many powerful, popular, and prestigious people, who, if they mentioned our name and gave us some recognition we would feel honored. But when those people die, our honor vanishes.

But there is One whom we should hope more than any other would call our name, and would direct our gaze upon Calvary where the price was paid for our sins by Him. We would see ourselves as lost and fall upon the mercy of God and be saved when He called.

If He calls your name and you accept His free gift of salvation, you will never forget that day your name was called. At that moment, your name was written in the Lamb’s book of life. And no matter what great thing you may do for God, there is nothing that can compare to receiving salvation and having your name written in Heaven.

But everyone’s name, both saved and lost, will be called ultimately by the One who created them and will judge them. ALL will answer the call. Whether at the bema seat of Christ where the saved are judged (2 Cor. 5: 10) or at the Great White Throne judgment where the lost are judged. (Rev. 20: 11-15) We will be singled out and meet our appointment with the Judge of all the earth (Gen. 18: 25; Jn. 5: 22). And we will know He called the right name because the record He reads under our name matches the life we lived.

The saved will have a name throughout eternity that God and the other saved will know. But the names of the lost will be forgotten and remembered no more. They could very well eventually forget their own name amidst their eternal sufferings.

When He Calls My Name

My sweet Mother called my name,

And my dear Daddy did to.

They often called me in from play,

As the ev’ning shadows grew.

My kinfolk called my name to,

The one my aunt did choose.

A name that’s in the family,

And it’s the only name I use.

Other people have my name,

And I think that’s very grand.

For our name’s in the Bible,

It’s a name much in demand.

Many people know my name,

Who’re merely acquainted with me.

But they must use my last name too,

So I’ll know they’re talking to me.

My name’s been screamed in anger,

And spoken in tones of love.

I would cringe from the anger,

But the love I sought thereof.

I only have this one name,

And I strive to make it good.

That when others mention me,

They’ll say I’ve done as I should.

My name is me, myself, and I,

I’m labeled wherever I go.

I could change my name but why,

And have a name I do not know?

There was One that called my name,

Who’s closer than a brother.

And He knows me very well,

Even better than my Mother.

I remember as a child,

When God called my name in love.

I was born-again that day,

And my name was written above.

I know He’ll call my name again,

When He calls me from this world.

I’ll leave by death or Rapture,

And walk through those gates of pearl.

I’m waiting for the day I hear,

Christ Jesus call my name.

When my name is on His mind and lips,

Because through Him I overcame.

James H. Cagle  ©

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