Are You Being Considered?

By James H. Cagle

“And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job?” (Job 1: 8; 2: 3 KJV).

When we are considering something, we are thinking about it and turning it over in our mind. Our mind’s fingers hold that something while we focus on it for a considerable length of time.

We like to be considered for a post, position, promotion or a raise in salary. But would we like being under consideration by our arch enemy for some form of attack and disaster along with pain and loss? Would we be happy about being considered for a trial similar to the one Job went through?

According to Satan’s activity of going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it (Job 1: 7; 2: 2), he is constantly taking into consideration someone to see if he can get them to fall. He’s not walking throughout the earth for exercise, but to look for those he can cause to fall and whose fall would hurt the cause of Christ the most.

He no doubt picks his subjects or victims after careful considerations. The ones he takes into consideration are the mature Christian leaders who are still standing for the truth and those Christians who are steadily advancing in their faith. Those who are Christians in name only and who are not living for Christ and have no testimony he doesn’t bother with because his world system has them in its grasp. Those he thinks worthy of his consideration he plots and plans to ruin by whatever means possible.

Job was a spiritual giant of his day. Satan had also already considered him because while considering him he discovered God had him under His protection and he couldn’t touch him. While considering him he had come up with a plan that if and when he could get to him it would, he thought, destroy him.

Job in other words was being considered by Satan himself for destruction because Satan considered Job to be someone worthy of his attention and time and evil work. And if he could bring Job down it would be a tremendous win for him and a loss for God.

Though all Christians are dearly loved by God most of us are not where we need to be spiritually speaking and so are not a threat to Satan’s kingdom, and therefore never catch his eye, or in other words are never on his radar.

Some might think that not being considered a threat by the enemy is a good thing. But if we’re not considered a threat by the enemy, what does that say about us? It means we’re out of the will of God and out of His fellowship and out of the fight and out of the race, not furthering His cause and not hindering the work of Satan. Honestly, I would rather Satan had a target on my back than for him to completely ignore me because I was not serving God. The person who is targeted here by Satan will have greater reward there in Heaven.

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