A Word Fitly Spoken

By James H. Cagle

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver” (Pro.25: 11 KJV).

People are eager to give a word or advise us as to how we should handle our situation, but are less eager to wait and give the right word or advice that would really fit our situation and help us.

A fitting word is the right word that has the force if it’s received, to comfort, encourage, and give the victory.

Job’s friends had a lot of words to say to him, but none of their words were the right words and so were not fitting and effective (Job 6: 25).

Fitting words fit the person, the situation, are timely, are God honoring, and effect a change for good if they’re received. In other words, a word fitly spoken is saying what is relevant.

One size doesn’t fit all. What fits one person may not fit another person. Words that are fitting and proper for one person and their situation may not be so for another person and their situation.

What helps us to have the fitting words for another one’s situation is to recall the words that God used to help us when we were in a similar situation (2 Cor. 1: 4). We can still remember how fitting and helpful a friend’s advice was.

A word fitly spoken is as comely as golden apples in a silver vase or framed in silver. God has the right word and a fitting word for every situation if we will receive it.

Words of flattery or words that place the blame on others are not fitting words. Words that are fitting are honest and sincere words. Words that get to the root of the problem are fitting words. Words that address the wrong and the bad choices in order to get someone to repent and be reconciled to God and others are fitting words. Words that remind us of God’s forgiveness, love and mercy and care are fitting words.

Some people just seem to have a knack to always say the wrong thing. Their intentions may be right but their words are unfitting. For them whatever comes up comes out.

And then there are those who seem to be gifted in always having the right word to say in any given situation. Such people are used by God to touch and change the lives of others. May we all strive to be more like them.

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