The Destruction the Imagination Can Bring

James H. Cagle

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Genesis 1: 27 KJV).

God tells us in His Word that He created only two human beings in the beginning of creation and they were a biological male and a biological female. Ever since that day human beings have been having babies and they are all either male or female.

Though there are only two true genders that actually exist because they were created by God, there are many so-called genders that presumably exist because they were created in the mind of man with his imagination.

In Genesis 6 man became evil and was judged by God, through the flood, because he imagined evil and wicked things in his mind and then lived them out in his life. Instead of living their life according to the truth,  they, through their imagination, turned away from the truth and created their own alternate reality and lived by it.

It was by following after their evil imagination and worshiping idols that brought God’s judgment upon Israel (Jer. 3: 17; 7: 24; 9: 14; 11: 8; 13: 10; 16: 12; 18: 12; 23: 17). They were doing the evil that they imagined in their hearts instead of living according to God’s Word. Eventually, all of society was shaped by the imagination instead of God’s Word. By following their imagination rather than their conscience and the Word of God they lost their reference point and lost their moral compass.

Isn’t America doing the same thing? Those which imagine themselves to be something other than a biological male or female are, with their imagination, changing the political, scientific, educational, and religious landscape. Everywhere that which is a figment of some imagination is making an impact on all of society. And we are made to adjust and perceive as real that which is only imagined.

How many laws are on the books because enough law makers were convinced that what someone imagined was real? It seems if someone can imagine something and persuade enough politicians that what they imagine is actually real, then laws will be written that require all of us to live in compliance. And by the imagined ideal of a few we are all brought down to ruin like those in Genesis 6 and like Israel. America is being shaped by the evil imagination of a few rather than by the truth of the Word of God.

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