Whatever Happened to America?

James H. Cagle

“. . . happy is that people, whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 144: 15 KJV).

Something has happened to America. Americans are not happy anymore.

People are happy when what’s happening to them is pleasant and gratifying and gives them a sense of well-being and contentment.

Americans today are not happy with the way those in charge are running the country. They’re not happy with all the lies they’ve been told. They’re not happy with the price of gasoline and groceries. They’re not happy with the economy. They’re not happy with the increase of crime and the mass shootings. They’re not happy with the border crises. They’re not happy with the government’s handling of the covid epidemic. They’re not happy with the restrictions put on them during the covid epidemic. And the list goes on. The approval rating for the government leaders is at an all-time low, and there is much “complaining in the streets.”

A ruler of men should want their citizens to be happy. It’s at their best interest that they’re happy. The rulers should do their best to make the people of their country happy as long as making them happy doesn’t compromise or threaten the security, strength, and well-being of the country. The wrong way to make people happy is to legalize sin.

America’s leaders, instead of being concerned about the happiness and well-being of the majority, are concerned with making just a select few happy. Enacting laws that please them at the price of making everyone else miserable. The people’s unhappiness will be expressed at the polls when they vote out those they’re unhappy with and vote in those whose policies and leadership they’ll be happy with.

America’s unhappiness did not begin with an election. Her unhappiness began when she began turning away from God and His Word. When America forsook God and His way, she forsook the way of true happiness and chose the way of misery. We didn’t want God and the directives from His Word to have any influence in our society. Now without God in society we are living through some very unhappy conditions.

Americans can be happy again. But we will only be truly happy again when we allow God to enter our individual lives and the life of our nation again.

2 Comments on “Whatever Happened to America?”

  1. “Whatever happened to America?” Hopefully, access to information has led to the education of the populous in most cases. Very few highly educated people are religious. Only 65% of Americans identify themselves as Christians. That leaves nearly a third of the population who do not want to return to your idea of a “happy” America, because it was not a good place for them. Your Republican roots are showing, and they are ugly, which is why so many are turning their backs to these antiquated ideals you and people like you hold. Face it, the country has evolved. Black people, brown people, LGBTQA, and every other marginalized group has the same rights as you and will continue to vote bigoted, racist, misogynists out of office. We will continue to progress as a nation, making the country a better place to live for EVERYONE, leaving you in the dirt.

  2. I think the Op was spot on and very well put . It is an opinion bud. Why get your knickers in a wad like that? …… I think we could all step back and reflect on the best qualities of our shared ideals and put the anger and divisions in the past….

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