Choices and Consequences

James H. Cagle

“. . . choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24: 15 KJV).

Making choices is a part of life. Our choices shape our personality and define us as individuals and shape and determine our future. We make our choices and our choices make us. Choices have consequences. What good would choices be if they didn’t have consequences? The goals we reach are the consequences of the choices we make.

God doesn’t make our choices. We make our choices and are the one’s directly responsible for their consequences. God offers or presents us with choices. And He also tells us in advance what consequences to expect from our choices. We get to make our choices but we don’t get to choose their consequences. The same bad consequences men experienced from their bad choices thousands of years ago are the same bad consequences men experience from those same bad choices today. There’s nothing new under the sun.

Sometimes the consequences of our choices are realized immediately, and at other times, much later, when the consequences are full grown. The consequences of our choices are the built-in-judgment of our choices. All choices are preprogrammed or pre-set with their consequences. It’s the law of sowing and reaping, which law cannot be broken.

Men choose to disobey God and live in sin and enjoy immediately the pleasures of sin, but eventually they ultimately and eternally suffer the bad horrific consequences for their choice. Other men choose to get saved and obey God, and suffer immediately at the hands of evil men. They also immediately are rewarded with a pure conscience and will eventually, ultimately and eternally, enjoy the consequences of their good choice.

The quality of life we live is determined by our choices. The spiritual state of our inner man is determined by our choices. We choose who or what we will love and hate, we choose our joy and sadness, we choose our God and who we will bow down to and serve and worship. We choose to believe and follow a lie or believe and follow the Truth.

Where we end up for all eternity is based on a choice we make now. What did we choose to do with Jesus Christ? Did we choose to accept Him as our Savior or did we choose to reject Him?

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