Taking Sides

“The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? The LORD taketh my part with them that help me” (Psalm 118: 6, 7 KJV).

There are generally two sides to everything. There is the top side and the bottom side. There is the left side and the right side. There is the right side and the wrong side. There is the good side and the evil side. And we as individuals are always on one side or the other.

Though there is so much that divides us and so much that we take sides on, we are all on the side of good or evil. We are either on God’s side of righteousness, or we are on Satan’s side of wickedness.

When God called us and saved us, He took us off Satan’s team and put us on His team. When we become worldly, we help our old team and become the enemy of our new team (James 4: 4).

There is no greater person to have on one’s side than God. Paul said, “If God be for us (on our side), who can be (win) against us?” (Romans 8: 31). We have an opponent that is much greater than us, and he would defeat us if God were not on our side.

The Psalmist says that God condescended to stand shoulder to shoulder with him and his comrades because their cause was just.

God takes sides with what is right and holy. And His Word tells us what is right. We and God are on the same side when we are living according to His Word. God being holy can not take sides with what is evil. God is on the side of Israel and the church (Psalm 124: 1; Eph. 1: 1-6). But when they reject His Word and will He becomes their enemy (Is. 65: 10; James 4: 4).

God ultimately wins along with everyone that is on His side (Rev. 21). Satan ultimately loses along with everyone who is on his side (Rev. 20: 11-15).

It is not a question of whose side God is on but a question of whose side we are on — “Who is on the LORD’s side?” (Ex. 32: 26).

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