Sons Of Belial

“Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of the city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which we have not known” (Deuteronomy 13: 13 KJV).

All men are in one of two families. They are lost and have Satan as their father, or they are saved and have God as their Father. But in each family, there are some, shall we call them elitists, that are leaders in the family. They are the ones that are public, outspoken, bold, that strongly defend their cause, and are quick to go on the offense and attack those they oppose.

The list is long of those who, for the cause of Christ, spoke out against and opposed evil in their day and paid for it with their life. The list is just as long of those who opposed Christianity and anything that was good in order that evil might reign and some even gave their life for this cause. There are those who publicly taught compliance and obedience to God’s Word. And there were those who publicly taught noncompliance and rebellion to God’s Word.

The prophets of old, the apostles, and biblically sound church leaders through the ages have encouraged obedience to God’s Word and warned of the consequences of disobedience to it. Their opponents have encouraged disobedience to God’s Word and laughed at the warnings that their disobedience would bring. These individuals are the ones that belong to Satan and are the most wicked, corrupt, and evil that are best referred to as the “sons of Belial.”

The word “Belial” means “not profitable, and wicked.” It is used in derogatory phrases to designate a very wicked character and is identified with the genius of all evil, synonymous with Satan (II Cor. 6: 15).

The “sons and daughters of Belial” are those that would persuade others to reject the only true and living God to worship idols (Deut. 13: 13), are Sodomites (Judges 19: 22, 20: 13), were the wicked sons of Eli who was the high priest (1 Sam. 2: 12), those that rejected Saul’s kingship (1 Sam. 10: 27), was Nabal, who was a foolish and unreasonable man (1 Sam. 25: 17), men of David that would not share the spoils of battle (1 Sam. 30: 22), Sheba for rejecting David’s kingship and inciting a rebellion (2 Sam. 20: 1), those who under Jezebel’s instructions falsely accused Naboth (1 Kings 21: 10-13), and the followers of Jeroboam (2 Chron. 13: 7).

Are there any “sons of Belial” around today? Certainly, there are. Satan’s elitists are all around and are very active. They are the ones who spur their underlings to action. They are the ones who, with their energy, money, and influence, attack our Constitution and spearhead the efforts to silence Christianity. They reject, deny, and attack its truth while at the same time propagate their lies. They are the enemy of truth and righteousness and are not ashamed to be known as such publicly. But where are God’s elitists? Those Spirit filled men of God who publicly defy the evil and corruption of our day regardless of the cost?

Do you know a “son of Belial” or a Spirit filled Man of God?

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