Complete in Christ

James H. Cagle
[email protected] 

The Bible (KJV) says, “And ye are complete in him, (Jesus) which is the head of all principality and power” (Col. 2: 10). And, “. . . that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God” (Col. 4: 12).

Man is incomplete. All the unrest in the world is from man trying to find completeness. His coveting after things is nothing more than him seeking for completeness through things.

With all the things man has he is full but not fulfilled. His life is full of things that bring no fulfillment.

In every man there is a God-shaped void that only Jesus can fill. Trying to fill that emptiness with things is like trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. Man can search the world over and spend the wealth of the world to try and fill that emptiness but his efforts will be in vain.

That emptiness is felt and man is aware of the void, or he wouldn’t spend all his time trying to fill it and win his completeness.

Completeness though is only found and realized through Christ Jesus. He is the only completer for man. He alone fills the emptiness and void inside the heart of man. Nothing nor no one can take His place. Man’s search for completeness ends when he receives Jesus Christ.

This completeness and fullness, and fulfillment is a gift that cost the Savior His life. He emptied Himself that we might be full. This gift is offered to any and all who will repent of their sins and put their faith in Jesus Christ. He then moves inside our heart and fills it and lives His abundant life through us. Our heart is then not only full and complete but running over (Jn. 7: 38; Phil. 4: 11, 12). We are completely satisfied with our completeness in Christ because it completely satisfies all the longings of the heart.

With completeness through Christ Jesus man can then and only then know contentment. Regardless of life’s circumstances our hearts remain full and complete and thereby afford us the strength to handle each circumstance. Though the pantry may be empty, our hearts are full and complete with faith in God to meet our needs. Completeness in Christ is the secret to contentment because we are content with our completeness in Him.

The Christian’s completeness is a reality because their emptiness is gone and because of their awareness of God in their life and that He is the Completer of their faith and will completely fulfill all His promises (Phil. 1: 6).

Christ the Completer

Man is so incomplete.
He has a void that hasn’t been filled.
Though his life is full of things,
His life is never fulfilled.

All man’s scratching, and scraping,
Is done to fill his emptiness.
All man’s unrest and covetousness,
Is due to his heart’s barrenness.

Trying to fill their void with things,
Is like taking a round peg,
And trying to put it in a square hole.
Such soundness we wish to beg.

This emptiness that can be felt,
This void of which man’s aware,
The incompleteness each man feels,
Though he may be a billionaire.

Man is born incomplete,
And will labor and live in vain,
Seeking for some completion,
To relieve himself of this pain.

But there is only One Completer,
Who fills man’s empty heart.
He fills and thrills us through and through,
And will never, never from us depart.

This Completer is Christ Jesus the Lord,
For our completeness He paid the price.
For our fulness He emptied Himself,
And made Himself our sin-sacrifice.

When we receive Him as our Savior,
Our emptiness is all gone.
We’re aware of a filling and fulness,
That’s made by Christ Jesus alone.

This completion is a gift from God,
To fill that void made by sin.
Any by faith may receive it,
And have God dwell Himself within.

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