Talking With Self And Self Answers

“I commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search” (Psalm 77: 6 KJV).

In his time of trouble and sleepless nights, the Psalmist held a conversation with himself. His spirit made a diligent search and brought to his memory the mighty works of God in days gone by.

King David told his enemies to “Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah” (Psalm 4: 4).

Sometimes, the best thing we can do is find a quiet and still place and hold counsel and conversation with ourselves. In a time of trouble it’s best to reflect on the goodness of God and how He has always delivered us, He is still the same today, and His promises are still in place today as they were back then.

We do not converse audibly, but our inaudible spirit brings to our minds food for thought and consideration. We may spend minutes or hours speaking to ourselves and weighing our thoughts and considering our actions.

It is in our heart or spirit that our actions of intent are made (Hebrews 4: 12). As we converse with ourselves, Scripture that we have learned over the years and may have memorized will come to the forefront and will either approve or disapprove of our intentions. And we must submit to its authority.

The heart or spirit is the laboratory of life. The Christian that is careful of the way he lives will test everything in the heart before he releases it into his life. Solomon said, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Proverbs 4: 23).

It’s said that the bed is the best place for this talk with ourselves. We are to get still and get free from any distractions so the inner man’s conversation can be heard and flow freely so the voice of God through Scripture can speak, and we can conclude and make a choice that is for our good and God’s glory.

These conversations we have with ourselves should be very frequent. If we took the trouble and the time to have them, we would save ourselves a lot of trouble.

When was the last time you spoke to yourself in the first person? Are you even on speaking terms?

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